With a focus on product quality, Metalúrgica Voigt invests in excellent raw material and constant
improvement of the manufacturing process, highlighting the casting, molding and finishing system as a differential.
The induction electric fusion system has accurate control of the raw material, analyzing the molten material, making the necessary chemical corrections and pouring it after meeting the technical specifications. This process guarantees the established quality standards and confers superior quality to the final product. The ferrous raw material is fully recycled, significantly reducing the environmental impact.
The quality of the molding starts with the molds, that are made of aluminum and produced internally in CNC machines. We have an automated system for the sand we use in the process, that guarantees its performance. The 100% automated molding process together with these differentials, ensures the large scale production and excellent finishing quality of casting products.
We have a modern continuous jet blasting system with CNC deburring machines, ensuring perfect dimensional and geometry. The round covers are machined in CNC vertical lathe for the perfect fit between the two flat surfaces. This machining eliminates the noises of the cover and provides a better load distribution.
Our products are designed and manufactured according ABNT standard NBR-10160.
We have our own laboratory for destructive and non-destructive tests, dimensional, chemical and metallographic analysis.